Labels:clock | door | earth | fence | grass | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Appr roach with Wind Shear Location: Los Angeles International Time: Daytime You BrB shooting the approach to runway 6R of Lax. Other aircraft report ed wind shear of 10 knots at 400 feet Be caut ious stay on the glidesl lope SANTA MONICA 110.8 SMO LOCAL JZER 110.7 OTTES INT I-GPE I-GPE 12.1 8-205 069 GUPP LOS ANGELES I-GPE 113.6LAX ELEY 126 OTTES IHT IGPE 12.1 GUPPI INT I-GPE 6.6 I-GPE 3500 069 1707 MM 1.8 1800 GS31* 5.5 NM 4 : HM DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION Internat ional repori glideslope 0699 AHGFLFS